Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's almost time to say I DO!'s been a while since I blogged. I'm sure some of you are happy...LOL! My blogs aren't that interesting. Just a way to vent and stay sane. (This time I'm going to try not to be all over the place when I write haha)
So to start, the past 3 months have seemed to go by faster than I imagined. However, this week is dragging on as slowly as possible. I'm trying to be as patient as possible, but it seems that this week is trying to test my patience haha. Luckily, Henry is able to talk to me everyday and my friends (Amy, Aley, and Christina) talk to me when I'm not talking to him. So normally it's not too bad. You girls rock! I don't know how I'd get through this deployment if I wasn't able to talk to him and had no friends. It's a true test of strength and love. And I'm glad to say that our love is growing stronger every moment we are apart. I never thought I'd ever feel this way about anyone. It amazes me everyday that there's an amazing guy that I'm engaged to on the other side of the world that loves me more than I thought was possible. (Wow...typing that and listening to American Soldier by: Toby Keith almost made me cry)
So for the exciting news!! In about a week (or less) I will officially be Mrs. Tina Sauer! I'm super excited and honestly can't wait to say "I do" to the man of my dreams. He is the most amazing guy ever and I feel so blessed to be able to be engaged to him. I've never met a guy that could change my entire day just by talking to me or that could be a great father while he is on the other side of the world! He is truely amazing and I never want to lose him!
Well, I'm going to close for now. Lucas is recieving an academic award today so I need to get to his school to see him! I'm so proud of him for trying so hard in school. I'm also very proud of my fiance for everything he does! And..he got promoted to Sgt in March! Wooohooo! And my 2yr old Zakkary learned a new word...Blah! Hahaha! It's great!

I love you Henry! AAF NMW TT&T!