Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I am offically Mrs. Tina A Sauer

So wow, I have alot to catch up on. It's been 129 days since my husband deployed. And yes, I just said husband. We got married on April 22nd. It was the most amazing day of my life.
 He got to Raleigh on the 21st and we spent the first night there. Then after our wedding, we went on our honeymoon for 5 days. It was simply perfect. After our 5 days of pure bliss, we came home to hang out with the family. My niece pretty much tried to tackle Henry when she seen him, Lucas was very happy he was home and of course so was my nephew.
It amazes me how I can sum up 2 weeks in pretty much 2 paragraphs. And yes there are alot of details that I'm leaving out but, I just can't stress how happy I am. He left last Friday to go back to Afghanistan. That day totally sucked. I cried like a baby at the airport. People stared at us but, I could've cared less.
I have to admit, the first time he left was hard and took about a month to get use to him not being here. This time was so much harder. I didn't want to say goodbye. I didn't want to have to sleep in our bed without him next to me. But I know that I had to and that regardless of how many times I suggested we fly to Mexico, that he has a duty to our country to keep all of us safe and I have a duty to him to stand by his side no matter what and to be there for him in every way possible.
I can't express how much I love him. He makes me so incredibly happy. He truly is my everything and I never want to lose him or lose this feeling. I love you baby! Stay Safe!!