Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So, as I stated in my last blog this week totally sucks. I'm super tired for no reason. I've been having chest pains...which sucks more. Blah!
Anyways, yet again I'm going to talk about deployments. It amazes me how much my life revolves around my fiance. I refuse to leave my house before 10am due to the fact that he might be online and I don't want to miss talking to him...also, if I go anywhere during the day, I have to be home by 1800 {6pm} just in case he gets online that night. I never leave without my cell phone...and just in case my battery gets low, I carry a spare charger in my purse. I leave my laptop on 24-7 and signed into Yahoo and Facebook as well. {I know total Loser! haha} I also, sleep with my computer on the bed so I can hear it in case he gets online...which didn't work last night..so I have to figure something else out about that! I always have something that is his with me. Normally I wear his shirt or socks or something..I know yet again {LOSER!} But, I don't mind... I love him and it helps me get through my day. I also, wait to take a shower at night until I'm for sure he isn't getting online around that time...so normally I don't finally get to bed until 2300/0000 {11pm/12am}
So on another note I talked to Henry's sister in law today...who I have to add is awesome. :-) She definitely made me feel better about a lot of things. She's really cool to talk to and very helpful.
Blah, I'm out of stuff to talk about...all I can think about is Henry and how I wish he was online...or how I wish I would've heard the computer last night @ midnight so I could have talked to him. :-( Blah

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