Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So it snowed today..and it actually stuck. Lucas and I made a snowman...that looks kinda gay wearing my pink hat. HAHA! Today is really dragging along...very slowly. I finally got to talk to Henry last night!! It's like talking to him makes my day sooo much better! I can't even explain how hearing his voice or talking to him over yahoo can make everything feel perfect. He is so freaking amazing!!
So before now, I didn't know that guys actually send girls stuff just to say "I love you and I'm thinking about you." I've never had that happen before. LOL! I thought it only happened in movies...hell the only time a guy has ever gotten me anything it was to say I'm sorry for cheating on you or for being a shitty b/f. LOL! Henry totally blows all those losers out of the water. He's gotten me flowers more times than anyone else..and not because he was sorry...but, because he loves me or was thinking about me. I can't explain how lucky I feel to be engaged to him. He is the best thing to ever happen to my boys and I. I wish I could describe how much I love him. I can honestly say I've never felt this way ever.
Ha ok..enough of me being mushy...I know ppl don't wanna read that :p
Um...let's see what else? Hmm..Idk..I can't get him off of my mind. I dream about him...I think about him all day and all night...every moment of the day he is on my mind and I can't stop thinking about the next time I'll finally be in his arms.
Ok I'm done boring you good people....turns out more people than I thought actually read my blogs 0_o HAHA! Once again, if you've managed to read my entire post...good job...leave me some feedback if you have any. :-)

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