Monday, March 1, 2010

First do I write haha

So....this is my first time blogging. I'm definitely not sure of what to write....I guess I should just start off with everything since this is my first blog, however, who ever is possibly reading this probably knows everything I'm going to say...oh well, suck it up and read on! LOL!
It's been almost 2 months since Henry deployed. January seemed to fly by..however February not so much...I'm so glad it's March 1st. Luckily I only have 1 more month until I finally get to see him again!!! I can't wait!
This is my first deployment, Henry's second. I didn't think that it would be this hard to be away from him. I've never had to deal with anything close to this before....also, my friends know how I use to be and almost all of them didn't think I'd be able to make it this far into this deployment. So I guess I've surprised them since they are always telling me how good of a job I'm doing.
Ha, this is totally off topic...but hell it's my whatever. I like being the person to surprise people. Sometimes I amaze myself. :-p But seriously, I don't like everything to stay the same all the get's very old and boring so fast. Which is another reason I love Henry so much. He is the same way and always full of surprises!
Ok so back to the deployment stuff. Um....since he's been gone I cry myself to sleep quite often. It has gotten better over the past few weeks. I'd say I only cry for about 5 to 10 minutes now. I also have a really hard time sleeping without him beside I'll stay up til about midnight or 2 am and finally just pass out. However, when I have to wake up at 0700 I realize it was a horrible idea. HAHA!
So, like alot of first timers, I always ask people for advice on how to make this deployment easier and move along faster. Everyone says to stay busy. Ha! Easier said than done! I'm sure this summer will be better...but, during the am I suppose to do? I clean as much as possible, I hang out with my best friend when ever I get the chance...which is a little more often now that she finally moved from back from NY to NC :-) But the days never seem to move as quickly as I want them to. I wish I could sleep until R&R and then go back to sleep until he leaves and wake up when he comes home. However, it's not that easy..and I'd totally get fat LOL! I really hope this month goes by faster!!
So yeah...I'm stuck haha! I have no idea of what else to write. So I guess that's all for now lol! If you read this then I guess thanks haha. I'm sure I'll have alot more to come.

I love you Henry!!

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